Sangam's Story

Sometimes a small spark is enough to flame a revolution. Such is the story of the rise of SANGAM VET. Mrs. Khushbu Banthia, MD, SANGAM VET, was busy in her routine life, serving as a household with a comfortable work-from-home corporate job, until she felt the necessity to work in the potential pet wellness segment. Mrs. Khushbu observed that in recent years the trend of keeping pets increased in society, but at the same time, she also noticed that few among them hesitated to spend much on pets. When it came to stray dogs, people preferred to call NGOs instead of a doctor. The reason behind this phenomenon was that pet supplies were overpriced.

She realized that although the pet wellness market is emerging at lightning speed, the quality medicines and supplements are quite expensive, targeting the elite class, while pocket-friendly supplies are non-branded with poor quality. One day, during a casual conversation at the dinner table, she raised her concern with her husband, Mr. Yogesh Banthia, who is a chemist by profession and has been involved in the manufacturing and marketing of veterinary medicine and supplements for years. The couple discussed how they could use their expertise for the betterment of voiceless but loyal companions. After detailed study and research about their problems, and one-to-one conversations with health experts, pet parents, veterinary doctors, and NGOs working in this field, the duo finally laid the foundation of SANGAM VET.

For decades, having a pet was a luxury statement, but today it’s common as pets are the true loyal friends in someone’s loneliness. In this fast-paced life, they play the role of morning walk companions, provide security to senior citizens, play with children, and more. SANGAM VET is built on a strong foundation of values and principles. The directors firmly believe that every pet, from dogs and cats to domestic birds and poultry, deserves the best possible care, regardless of their parent’s financial limitations. With a vision to provide quality products at affordable prices, the company aims to revolutionize the pet wellness industry and bring a ray of hope to pet parents who often find it challenging to access premium products.

With sheer dedication and unwavering commitment, the duo assembled a team of talented and passionate individuals. Together, they poured their hearts and souls into developing a diverse range of pet wellness products that cater to the specific needs of different animals. From nutritional supplements to grooming essentials, SANGAM VET’s product lineup is carefully crafted to ensure the health and happiness of pets by maximizing the use of natural substances or safe elements and minimizing the use of preservatives and harmful chemicals. With every new product developed and every pet that benefits from SANGAM VET’s offerings, the company’s vision of making a difference in the pet wellness industry continues to thrive, leaving a lasting legacy of compassion and affordable care.

SANGAM VET stands tall as a symbol of compassion, integrity, and affordability. The company’s unwavering belief in the power of quality products and dedication to the well-being of pets have touched countless lives. The bond between pets and their parents becomes stronger as SANGAM VET continues to pave the way for a brighter, healthier future for all furry companions.

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